If you are one of those people trying to lose some weight, this video may help you on your journey. Whether you want to fit into your dress for wedding or get shredded for summer holiday this basic knowledge may be useful for you.
Watch video to understand why the cheat days doesn’t work and what else may be the reason why you’re not losing weight.
BMR – Basal metabolic rate
10x weight ( kg ) + 6.25x height ( cm ) – 5x age + 5 = MALE BMR
10x weight + 6.25x weight – 5x age – 161 = FEMALE BMR
TDEE – Total daily energy expenditure
Includes :
- NEAT ( non exercise associated thermogenesis ,, normal daily activity)
- EAT ( exercise associated th.,, calorie requirements from sports and exercise )
- TEF ( thermic effect of feeding, calories associated with feeding and digestion.
TDEE = BMR x activity level
Activity levels :
- Sedentary – little or no exercise = BMR x 1,2
- Light active – sports 1-3 times a week = BMR x 1,375
- Moderately active – sports 3-5 times a week = BMR x 1,55
- Very active – sports 6-7 times a week = BMR x 1,725
- Extra active – very hard exercise + hard job = BMR x 1,9
TDEE = Amount of calories you need to eat to maintain your weight. If you want to be losing weight you need it less calories than that. Create a calorie deficit about 500 kcal and wait for your body to respond.
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