This is not any science. This is nothing special, just time proven basics. Not like this is the only way but I can guarantee you that if you will follow this workout programe and you will eat well you will see results. Become stronger, bigger, leaner version of you.
Try to perform all the exercises with good form, slow controlled tempo, go through full range of movement and keep the rest between the sets shorter than 1,5 min. Very important is to use appropriate weight. By saying that I mean if it says 8 repetitions, make sure the 8th repetition is literary just about if not fail. Once you can perform 8 ( or 10 or 12 ) repetitions with a good technique and you feel like you can do another 2 or 3 repetitions it’s time to increase the weight !
Exercise nr. 1 : Barbell bench press / 5 SETS / 6 repetitions
Exercise nr. 2 : Incline dumbbell press / 4 SETS / 8 repetitions
after finishing your 4th set perform a drop set. Use approx. 30% lighter weight and do as many repetitions as possible.
Exercise nr. 3 : Chest flyes / 4 SETS / 10 repetitions
Exercise nr. 4 : Military press / 4 SETS / 8 repetitions
Exercise nr. 5 : Lateral raises / 4 SETS / 12 repetitions
Exercise nr. 6 : Weighted dips / 4 SETS / 10 repetitions
Exercise nr. 7 : Skull crushers / 4 SETS / 12 repetitions
Exercise nr. 1 : Barbell deadlift / 5 SETS / 6-8 repetitions
Exercise nr. 2 : Bent over rows / 4 SETS / 10 repetitions
Exercise nr. 3 : Pull ups / 4 SETS / as many repetitions as possible
If you can perform more than 10 body weight pull ups then use extra weight.
Exercise nr. 4 : Seated row / 4 SETS / 10 repetitions
Exercise nr. 5 : Face pulls / 4 SETS / 12 repetitions ~
Exercise nr. 6 : Barbell bicep curls / 4 SETS / 8 repetitions
Exercise nr. 1 : Barbell squats / 5 SETS / 6-8 repetitions
Exercise nr. 2 : Walking Lunges / 4 SETS / 16 steps at least
Exercise nr. 3 : Hack squat / 4 SETS / 10 repetitions
Exercise nr. 4 : Romanian deadlifts / 4 SETS / 12 repetitions
Exercise nr. 5 : Leg curls / 4 SETS / 12 repetitions
Exercise nr. 6 : Leg extensions / 4 SETS / 12 repetitions
Extensions and curls may be performed like a superset if possible.
superset = do extensions then without any rest do leg curls, then have a minute rest and go again.
Exercise nr. 7 : Calve raises / 5 / SETS / 15 repetitions